First, we're planning to host a dainty bridal shower at my friend's house here in the Cities. Full of sundresses, snacks and fun girlie games about love and Andi & I's relationship. Although I'm not the typical bride who's dreamed of the perfect big white wedding, I have envisioned my bridal shower and bachelorette party exactly as this. It's going to be great.
After the bridal shower, we're planning to go camping at a nearby campsite not far outside of town. Camping for a bachelorette party, you say? Sound crazy? Absolutely not. I think it sounds fantastic. And I'm so happy my girlfriend who's hosting has agreed to throw this kind of event. I'm mostly excited because it's something different and a way for all of us girls to spend time together, laugh and tell stories, eat tons of junk food and drink some beers ... all while hanging out at a safe location where none of us have to drive or worry about getting home.
I got the idea for a camping bachelorette party from a weekend last summer where a bunch of us got together at the very same site we're going to in June. Just look how much fun we had :)
So, here's a list of things any girl party needs to do up camping right. My bachelorette will be no exception:
- Tent & Sleeping Bags -check! - my mom & dad gifted me a 2-room tent that holds 10 people. Now if we can only figure out how to set it up ...
- Junk Food - mix and match your favorites - some classic camping favorites: chex mix, puppy chow, licorice, chips, cookies, nuts or marshmellows
- Beer - really, any cocktail will do ...
- Tablecloth - not needed for your standard camping adventure, but really ties it all together for a girlie night out don'tcha think?
- Duraflame Log - do you really think girls can start a fire Boy Scout-style?
- Lawn Chairs - the better to kick in and tell stories
- Flash lights - so trips to the porta-potty are a little less scary
Sound like the best bachelorette party you've ever heard of? I think so too. I can't wait :) It's going to be great.
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