Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Facebook Purge: An Update

Last month I wrote here about my frustration with Facebook. And, I vowed to give myself a Facebook timeout as I was literally flustered with other people's postings. Because of Facebook! Something that's suppose to be fun and social and here I am getting all worked up over poetry quotes, event invites and exercise updates.

So, how do you think I did?

Well, I haven't given up Facebook completely. Partly because I manage business pages for work and also because I do enjoy staying in touch with friends and family.

But, I have ...

  • Un-friended post-ers that get under my skin. If you're someone who's regularly posting workout statistics, famous quotes as status updates or come-to-my-event invites, we're likely no longer connected. These aren't people I'm really close to anyway, so I doubt they miss me.
  • Threatened to de-friend my husband because he's a classic "come to my event!" and "thanks to everyone who came to my event!" post-er. I can't really un-friend him can I? Come on, he's my husband. But I can tell him how annoying it is. Every day. Until he stops.
  • Weeded through my friend list. Do I really need hundreds of friends? People I haven't talked to in over 10 years? Probably not. 
  • Decreased the frequency of my own status updates. I've tried to be more mindful of what I post there. Does everyone in my Facebook circle need to know I could use a car wash? Nope. I've resolved to only post meaningful updates, photos, etc. 
 I can honestly say I feel better about it all. It feels good to take charge of something so simple. Why did I allow myself to get so worked up about something so trivial?


  1. I'm about to give myself a timeout too. I check it a ton through out the day (a symptom of being a SAHM, I think) and for what???? There is nothing really worthwhile on there and Facebook has some weird formula where it only shows you certain people. So Iv'e missed things like updates where friends from past jobs announce pregnancies and instead I see stupid crap.

    I think I'd like to cut down to checking once a day - maybe twice. I need to set those parameters.

    HOw often are you checking now?

  2. Still 3 times a day probably. Morning / lunch / evening. But un-liking and un-friending pages has helped cut out some of the crap at least. I'm not sure how you filter to see the people you I care about most - I've missed some important posts too.
