Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tory - 46 Weeks Old

Tory - 46 Weeks Old

The sweet, gentle smile on Tory Bean's face gives the impression she poses perfectly for these weekly photo sessons. This is most definitely not the case.

With Tory's new found standing and cruising skills, she now stands right up in the chair and practically leaps out of it before I run across the room to catch her. Weekly photo time is a two-parent job and I'm out of breathe by the time we get a good one. What I won't do for a bright smile from my baby girl? (jumping jacks, dancing, clapping, singing, barking, toy-shaking, baby catching ... you name it).

Only six more weeks until the Big 52!

1 comment:

  1. Those last few are HARD :) We resorted to putting an iPhone up with a video on SEVERAL times near the end - ha!
