Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week In The Life 2012: Sunday

Alright, I've really fallen off the wagon on the picture-taking for this project. Today was sort of a boring day and I didn't have much motivation to document it. But, to finish this little project, here's a recap of Sunday - the final day in a Week In The Life: Spring 2012.

Sunday, April 29
Weekend Day

Tory's awake. Dang, I have no idea why she is waking up at Midnight the last few nights! With sleepy eyes, I make my way to the kitchen to make a bottle, feed Tory and rock her back to sleep.

Tory's awake again. Change. Feed. Rock. Back to sleep.

Grrrr. Tory's awake again! I let her fuss for a few minutes before realizing she's not going back to sleep. I get up, unsuccessfully attempt to rock her back to sleep, before finally bringing her back to bed with Andi and I. I know I should let Andi sleep since he's got a full day of travel ahead, but it's 6:00am ... and I'm tired, too.

I turn on the tv to Sesame Street (I know, bad mom) and lay Tory between us. She's not really watching tv, of course. She rolls back and forth between Andi and I, grabbing at his face and kicking me in the head with her legs. After a few minutes, I finally just get up with her. I change her diaper and bring her to the kitchen to play.

I make Tory some breakfast (1/4 cup of rice cereal with pears and raspberry puree mixed in) and feed her. Meanwhile, Andi gets up and takes a shower.

Andi comes upstairs and Tory and I watch him run around the house packing up last minute things. We practicing waving "hi" to Daddy. I toast an English muffin and top it with butter and jelly, then sit down on the kitchen floor to continue entertaining Tory in her activity center. I'm feeling extra blue this morning at the thought of Andi leaving in a few hours. Man, I miss him already.

Whenever Andi travels, I have a habit of cleaning my house just the way I want it. That way, everything stays nice and clean while he's gone as there's no one around to make a mess other than Tory and I. I decide now's a good time to wipe out the fridge and disgard all expired products.

I lay Tory down for her morning nap, then get ready for the day (today I'm wearing jeans, a black tank top and a black fleece zip-up. I brush my teeth, comb my hair and put on make-up just as Tory wakes up. Girlfriend only slept for 25 minutes. Definitely not long enough. I hear Andi go into her nursery to get her. He picks out an outfit for her to wear and dresses her for the day while I finish getting ready. Listening to him struggle to dress her is quite possibly the funniest thing ever. She is very wiggly these days so I hear a lot of "hey! come back here!"

We all load into the family truckster in route to the airport. What is my deal today? I'm seriously holding back tears as we're driving down the highway. I do not want Andi to leave. Sigh. He starts making small talk and I'm thankful; it takes my mind off how sad I'm feeling right now.

We arrive at the airport, say our good-byes and head back home. Tory's asleep before we even leave the airport grounds. I'm glad she's finishing her morning nap in the car.

Back at home, I park in the garage and let Tory continue sleeping for a few minutes. She's such a light sleeper, she usually wakes up the minute we pull into the drive-way but this morning she must be pretty tired.

Meanwhile, I let Chloe outside to go to the bathroom and she darts off the bottom step of the deck to charge at the neighbor dog. In the process, she somehow twists her leg and whimpers and hops across the back yard. I walk into the back yard to retrieve her and carry her back into the house. I'm put her up on the counter top to look for a sticker in her paw or to see if I can see where her leg is bothering her. I don't see anything specific, but she won't stand on her leg at all. Poor puppy dog!

The morning nap is short-lived. Tory's awake so I carry her inside the house. I warm up the remainder of her bottle from earlier this morning and carry her downstairs to the office to call my mom on FaceTime. My parents get many FaceTime computer calls the weeks Andi is traveling. It give me someone to talk to and something to do to pass the time. My mom and I visit about my sister's bridal shower yesterday, about Tory, about my sister's upcoming wedding next month and about our weekends. I sign off with her once Tory get restless and ready for lunchtime.

Today Tory's feasting on a butternut squash and corn puree which is very runny! I can't say I'd buy that particular variety again because it was so messy, although Tory didn't seem to mind it. It was seriously like trapping liquid on a teeny tiny baby spoon.

Andi's sister Lindsay and her boyfriend John stop by for a visit. We chat for a while in the living room. They take Tory into her play room and entertain her for a bit while I check my email, Facebook, etc.

Lindsay and John leave and I put Tory down for a nap. She's super tired after taking two disjointed naps this morning. She falls right to sleep following her bottle.

I haven't eaten anything since the English muffin this morning and I'm feeling sort of light-headed. I look in the cupboards for something to eat, then the refrigerator, then the freezer but I can find anything that sounds good. I hear Tory from her nursery so I'm distracted and never eat.

Tory's awake. We play in the living room for a while with toys. Chloe's leg is still bothering her and she won't put any weight on it at all. I'm growing concerned. I'm not sure if she just sprained her back leg or if it's broken. It can't be broken, right? While she won't put any pressure on it, she's not crying or whimpering either. I suppose I'll have to take her into the vet tomorrow.

Tory's becoming very exploratory this afternoon. I've never seen her move around this much and she's rolling and scooting all over the living room. I guess I usually pull her back to the blanket so she isn't on the hardwood floors, but today I'm letting her roam around and discover. She finds the dog bowls (uh oh!) and plays with the floor vent for several minutes.

I was going to do it tomorrow, but I decide to call the nanny candidate we selected and offer her the position. We chat about the job for a while and she's excited to start on May 8! So relieved to finally have the search behind us. I also swap several text messages with our current nanny about her last day, etc. I'm sure going to miss her!

Oh my gosh, I'm so bored. It's eerily quiet in our house. There's an empty feeling I just can't shake. I decide a trip to Target is in order to pass the time. What do I need to buy? Probably nothing but I'm sure I can find some groceries or baby clothes or SOMETHING TO BUY!

Tory and I wander the aisles of Target. We buy some groceries for the week, toilet paper, baby food, and a few shirts for me. I had made a commitment to myself to stop buying cheap Target clothes, but that was before I was feeling down and in need of a quick pick-me-up. I do feel better ... $200 later.

Back home, I set Tory in her high chair with a Mum Mum cracker and a sippy cup of water while I unload the groceries. I warm her up some dinner (purees of summer veggies like zucchini, corn, green beans). We jam to some country tunes and I swear she's dancing in her seat. Very cute.

After her dinner, we play more toys on the living room floor. Tory is very content to be playing by herself for once and is rolling all around the floor. She's not crawling yet, but is definitely finding her way to move from place to place.

She made quite the mess of toys by the time she was done!

Bedtime for Tory. I make her a bottle, change her diaper and rock her to sleep. She's not having bedtime tonight, even though she's so tired, so it takes about an hour to get her to sleep before it's all said and done.

In the midst of several attempts, Andi calls to say he made it to New Mexico and give me the low-down on our landscaping project taking place this week.

I'm wiped. I upload the dishwasher, pickup the toys in the living room, wash bottles and decide to skip dinner in lieu of blogging time in bed. I finish my W.I.T.L. post for Saturday and this one for today before calling it a night.


To sum up my week in a nutshell:

  • I wash a whole lotta bottles.
  • I change a heck of a lot of diapers.
  • Naps and bedtime are a time suck. Oh my gosh, I spend a lot of my time convincing a certain someone to get some sleep!
  • My husband will tell you and this little project proves it, I'm a creature of habit. Although I'm a stay-at-home mom somedays, a working mom a few others, my life is wonderfully predictable. The basic details of being a wife and mom dictate my days and I truly wouldn't have it any other way. As boring as it seems, I'm living the life I've always dreamed of. How many people are lucky enough to say that? 


  1. I wish I could have somebody document a week in my life FOR me. It seems like too much work to do myself. Good job!!

  2. I love having my routines so I'm with you on that. Will you please do this along with me in the future? It kept me motivated to have others doing it along with me!

  3. I'm impressed you did the whole week! I don't think I could have stuck with it, I had a hard time with one day :) fun
