Today was the first day of the fall semester for the University of Minnesota. It was a crazy, busy day! We have 35+ food courts, coffee cafes, convenience stores and restaurants on campus ... all busting at the seams with hungry college students.
Not much new to report other than work today. And frankly, I'm exhausted so it's a short post tonight. Here's some photos of today's events - and my marketing interns - to share:
Heather, Sadie and Katie selling FlexDine & Meal Plans at the Student Union

Cereal Elections were held today. We hold Cereal Elections annually and residence hall students vote for their favorite cereals. The top 12 cereals are chosen and served every day for the remainder of the academic year. How many of you have 12 kinds of cereal in your cabinets? Cereal Elections are a pretty big deal around here!

Also, a few snapshots of our new grab & go retail brand - Fresh & Fast. I designed the signage and labeling this summer and worked with our culinary team on campus to develop new recipes. Today was the first day of sale. I think it turned out pretty good!

Off to bed now. Back to the grind early tomorrow!
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