Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fun House

Chloe hates to have her picture taken.

I know what your thinking, why would a dog even care but I promise you, it's her least favorite thing. I think it's because I've shoved a camera into her little face since the day I took her home with me. I have about a gazillion Chloe photos - probably from each month of her 5 year life.

I tell you this story because I finally know what it feels like. And while I love being the center of attention (you know I do!) I, too, am growing tired of the camera love. Who's the offender this time? My husband. It all started a few months ago when Andi bought his new fancy camera and all the various lens that go with it. Now every time I turn around he's snapping photos of me ... and definintely not the flattering kind.

There's times like this - when you husband buys a new wide-angle lens and tests it out on you (at very, very close range I might add) just because he can ...

Ah! Trying to take a drink here...

Uh huh, this is real funny ...

Andi, I'm warning you ...

Ok, at least he's taking unflattering pics of himself too ...

Oh good times ...

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