Friday, May 14, 2010

Move In Day

It's officially cabin season!!!

You may remember me telling you about the summer cabin (aka: giant beautiful house in Crosslake) Andi, myself and a few of other couple friends rented for the summer. Well ... today's the day we officially move in and we couldn't be more excited. Andi even high-fived me bright and early @ 6:00am when he left for work because well, we're THAT excited for our fun summer ahead.

Having a cabin is a Minnesota thing I guess, or maybe it's a Northern states thing?  Growing up in Nebraska, everyone had boats and if you were lucky, a motor home to go camping every weekend. In my family, time at the lake with our little Mercery boat were some of the fondest memories I have as a child. We'd pull on our swimming suits early in the morning with little goosebumps on our legs because there was a chill in the air in the early morning. My dad would be in the driveway prepping the boat for our day at the lake; my mom in the kitchen packing sandwiches and snacks. Seriously the best. memories. ever.

I want those same memories for my kids and I know Andi does too. So our cabin adventure this summer will allow us to "test the waters" and see where we'd like to buy a cabin for reals. It'll also (cross your fingers) be our last summer hoorah ... boozy nights and fun in the sun with no little kiddos to be responsible for. A summer to remember for sure!

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