Friday, February 26, 2010

Time flies when you're, well, working.

Oh my gosh. I blinked and this week was over. Sorry I've been neglecting you, friends!

Here's what's happening in my bubble this week:

ONE: Whirlwind week at work. February was a busy month around campus and it seems like March is following suit. Thank the Lord for vacation coming up in two short weeks! I'm getting ready to launch a national Earth Week promotion for all 500+ accounts across the country and it's been a very enjoyable and tedious process to put together. That project alone is sucking up my evenings ... which is usually when I blog ... which gets back to why blogging has been an epic FAIL since Sunday.

TWO: My friend Laura kindly nominated me for a Beautiful Blogger Award! I'll whip up some sort of post this weekend with more details on this neat little award. Very cool!

THREE: This is the first in 7 weekends I get to spend time with my husband. His weekend work commitments are FINALLY over so we're planning to 'test drive' our summer cabin for a little weekend up North. I am so excited I can barely stand it. Andi rented a snowmobile for a few hours on Saturday for us to tool around the Paul Bunyan Trails near Cross Lake. Having never been on a snowmobile before, I'm a little bit nervous so here's hoping Andi goes easy on me!

FOUR: I quickly realized this week that we leave for Hawaii in two weeks. TWO WEEKS! I haven't exactly lost those 5 pounds I hoped to and my skin is as pale as every other Minnesotan around this state. In fact, for the first time in, well, ever I think my makeup is actually too dark for my face. Usually a little tanning bed action a couple times a month can mantain my 'usual color' but not this winter. I desperately need to carve out some time for Catch A Tan stat.

FIVE: And just because I feel like saying it ... I really want to have a baby. I'm out of the closet again. Probably won't happen of course because well, you need two to tango, but I'm just going on record as saying. PS. yesterday I woke to the sound of a baby crying. I swear to you. Except, um, there was NO BABY. I think it's my subconscious telling me it's time. What do you think?

That is all.

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