Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekend High

There are weekends like this I never, ever want to end. I love being a parent so much sometimes. LOVE MY FAMILY and realize how lucky I am to be living this life with two incredible people. Nothing special about this weekend, other than it being the first time in a long time we had no big plans or places to be. The first in a few where Andi wasn't working (except for tonight, bummer) and we were able to hang out together at home.

On Friday night, Janie came over to babysit Tory while Andi and I had a much-needed date night. We went to Origami for dinner (yes, sushi in the mall because that's what you do when you live in the 'burbs. It's actually pretty decent). After we ate, we shopped for a little while and went to Trader Joe's. It's exciting to be grown ups, isn't it? Home by 9, in bed by 9:30pm ... a perfect date night? Maybe.

Andi, Tory and I spend most of Saturday at home together. Tory slept in until 9:30am (!!!) which meant Andi and I slept in too (don't get too excited, I was up a few times during the night with her). Janie called and offered to bring us breakfast from our favorite French bakery. Andi and I drank cafe lattes and ate freshly baked croissants and quiche while Grandma entertained Tory.

Saturday afternoon, we laid in front of the fire, watched Red Bull Crashed Ice on NBC and practiced Tory's new found skill of sitting by herself. After seeing what a big week she had in mental and physical development, it now makes perfect sense to me why she's been sleeping so crappy lately. So much new happening with her in the span of a few days, I think her little body was in overdrive.

Later, we went to a first birthday party for Hannah, the daughter of Andi's co-worker/friend Do and Kim. Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen?

Unfortunately, Tory was over-tired and wasn't much up for partying. I spent half the time in a side room nursing her and rocking her to sleep but so is the life of a mother, right?

And to round out our relaxing weekend, we grabbed breakfast to-go at Longfellow Grill this morning and brought it over to Andi's grandma's house for a visit. Andi's aunt Barb, uncle Ken and cousin Megan were there too, with Megan's little boy Connor. He's two months younger than Tory (but 3 pounds heavier!) and we had lots of fun snapping photos of the two babies together. Glad Tory will have someone to look after her when she's growing up - he's such a brut!
Connor and Tory

What's your problem, big guy?

Tory and Grandma Marion
Andi had a work event tonight so Tory and I snuggled at home, played toys and read books. I am just so in love. On a high really, wanting this feeling to never end. Weekends like this remind me just how fortunate I am to have such a great family.


  1. Very sweet post! I know what you mean, it's all those little moments that make being a parent the best thing ever!

  2. We have an Origami sushi place too! Although it is not in a mall...but it sure could fit right in at one! Sounds like you had a great weekend!

  3. I was wondering if she would hit a developmental milestone! All the reading I've been doing on cluster feeding and growth spurts says that when older babies start hitting milestones, they feed and sleep like newborns. Glad you had a great weekend!

  4. I just LOVE that pic of Tory next to the little guy, Connor! She looks like she has some diva attitude!
