Monday, December 10, 2012

Heather the Homemaker

I was at the bank the other day and the banker asked me to update my account information. "Do you still work at XYZ Company," he asked? "No," I replied, "I'm a Stay-At-Home-Mom now" as I gave Tory a big ole' squeeze signifying just how lucky I am. The banker updated my information, then asked me to review it in the system. It was in that moment I saw my new job title staring back at me:

Heather LastName
Occupation: Homemaker

Homemaker? For real? I suddenly felt like June Cleaver wearing a 1950's dress in a black and white picture show. The word homemaker sounds so inferior, like I've taken a giant step backwards from being a strong, college-educated woman.

I know this is such a silly thing and most people don't view me this way (including myself or my husband), but come on Bank, get with 2012! Can't you update your computer system to list an alternative occupation to homemaker? One that more accurately depicts my new role? Perhaps Household Manager or Chief Household and Child Director?

My first few weeks as a homemaker has gone fabulously well. My house is clean, my child is well-fed and entertained. I've baked and crafted for the holidays so much I'm brimming with cheer. I've cleaned poop out of the bathtub - twice. (Hey, no one ever said this job was glamorous).

I've learned quickly having a project each day helps me stay focused and feel accomplished. This month's Christmas advent calendar activities add a fun element to each day. Most importantly, I'm enjoying spending time with Tory. There's so many things I've learned about her this week, specifically the non-verbal cues she gives to signify her wants and needs and words she's beginning to say (although they're not actual words yet, just sounds and tones of them). I love rocking her to sleep at nap time during the day and not feeling rushed or exhausted. Today, I held for an extra 10 minutes and just watched her sleep. I haven't done since she was a baby.

Often when people learn of my new profession, they caution me to "stay involved" for fear I'll be a lonely mess at home in a few month's time. I understand where they're coming from (a loving, well-meaning place, I'm sure) but honestly, I'm not worried. I like being at home. I love being with my daughter. I feel like I've been training my whole life for this gig and this is right where I'm suppose to be.


  1. I'm with ya! I also quit the full time gig Nov 1 to stay home with my kids and I am loving every single second of it! When people ask how work is going I say, "Oh, I just stay home with the kids." Like it's no big deal. BUT IT IS!!! It's the most impotant job I want to be doing right now. I do feel a tad guilty when I gush to hubby about how much fun we had while he was stuck working all day.

  2. I took a leave of absence following maternity leave and had the big decision (return to work? or resign?) hanging over my head for my baby's first 10 months. It was agonizing. If I could go back in time, I would have resigned immediately and saved myself the questioning and doubts. Happy to hear your decision comes as a clean break versus a looming deadline of returning to work. I enjoy reading these posts.

  3. Man, I have been wracking my brain to think of a less weird sounding title than Homemaker, but nothing sounds right. I would also find that a weird word to be staring back at me after being career oriented for so long. But it doesn't really matter what they call it, you know who you are :)
