Saturday, January 16, 2010

7 Quick Takes: My week in a nutshell

It's been a week since I've visited you Blog. I didn't forget about you - it's just been one of those 'blink and it's over' few days. The positive? I didn't blog at work all week and was way more productive! (Wonder if this says something about you time-suck internet? Maybe). Also good? Andi's been home at a decent hour lately, so when he's here I try to make a conscience effort to shut the computer lid and devote my attention to him. Spending time with my hubby is always a good thing.

So let's catch up on this week, seven quick takes in my bubble as of late:

Have you seen the Bachelor this season? I'm not necessarily a fan of the show, but learned this week that a girl I went to college with is one of the bachelorettes this season! She's also the cousin of my old college roommate! Watch for Elizabeth from Imperial, Nebraska -- let's hope she wins (or at least gets a hometown date! How cool would it be for her to take the Bachelor to Nebraska)?

Warm air, sunny beaches and quality time with my honey is on the horizon! We're booking a vacation over Spring Break in March. Haven't decided where we're going yet but thinking somewhere in the Caribbean or Hawaii. Somewhere without spring breakers which may be hard to find that time of year, so we'll see. But a vacation is in sight which is good news any way you slice it!

Just another day at the office!

We're starting a new customer rewards program at work on Tuesday. And it involves a monkey - that is the JAMonkey. I was a little unsure about this program when it was introduced to us a few months ago, but now am excited for something fun and different at work. My student interns are super excited about it. I thought I'd have to beg and plead them to get in the monkey but they're actually fighting over who gets to do it! Should be interesting ...

It was a super busy week at work the last few days. I had the opportunity to conduct several trainings for our full-time and student employees on Thursday and Friday. I absolutely love presenting but it's so draining. All the preparing, prepping and actually being "on stage" presenting with energy and confidence. Good experience though, and I hope a few more people learned about our environmental programs on campus.

My new tv show addition? Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. Have you seen this show? I can't believe the destructive effect drugs has on people. It's sad and scary .. and like a train wreck you just can't stop watching.

Speaking of tv ... what in the world is happening to NBC and late-night talk shows? I'm a Conan fan all the way here ... I liked him before when he was on Late Late Night.  Fight on Conan!

And finally ... my heart goes out to all those affected with the tradegy in Haiti. I can't even imagine what those people must be going though. It's times like this you wonder why God makes these things happen. But it gives me stregnth to know He is with all those people and they're rebuild better and stronger thanks to all the generous donations around the world.

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